About Us

Your Executive Committee


President: Karen Allen


The President is the local’s leader. The president is responsible for identifying problems affecting the members and proposing strategies for dealing with these problems. 

The President must know how the members feel about issues to properly represent them. They must develop, justify and present concrete ways of dealing with the problems experienced by the membership when facing the employer. 

The President is responsible for all of the activities undertaken by the local, encourages others to get involved, delegates tasks to those most likely to carry them out, and sees that each task is completed on time. 



Vice President: Theresa Warren


The Vice-President chairs meetings in the absence of the President and represent the local at functions when the President is not present. Vice-Presidents will usually chair some committees independently of the President.

In addition, Vice-Presidents usually chair executive board meetings so that the President has more opportunity to take part in the meetings. To gain experience, the Vice-President will act as the union's spokesperson from time to time. In many cases, the Vice-President eventually becomes President.


Recording Secretary: Katy Chiasson


The Recording Secretary is responsible for record keeping and written communications. 

It is the job of the Recording Secretary to keep the members informed about what activities the local union is doing to deal with problems. Keeping the members informed is the key to building interest and involvement of members in union activities. 

Keeping and maintaining records of decisions taken by the local union and information such as letters to and from the employer and with other organizations are vital to the smooth and efficient running of the local union. 



Secretary-Treasurer: Mary Strong


The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for the local union’s money. This means that they are responsible for seeing that t

he amount of dues income is sufficient to carry out activities n

eeded to advance the members’ interests. They are also responsible for seeing that spending priorities reflect the local union’s goals and that money is spent in accordance with the wishes of the membership. For these reasons, the position of the Secretary-Treasurer must be bonded at all times.

Secretary-Treasurers must also keep the members informed about the financial health of the local union and about how their money has been spent.


Grievance Steward 1:David Larkin

Grievance Steward 2: vacant


The Grievance Steward works to ensure that the voices of workers are heard in their workplaces and communities, and will represent the union in conversations and meetings with the employer. Ideally, they will be able to solve problems outside the grievance procedure.

Stewards will educate members about the collective agreement, about the union’s role in the workplace, and about important social issues. They will stand up as a strong ally with members from equity-seeking groups, act as a mediator when members are in conflict with each other, and ensure good communication between the members and the Executive.

Membership Officer: Jennifer Graham 


The Membership Officer is responsible for meeting with all new members to CUPE 1291 and educate them on the benefits and responsibilities of being a member of CUPE 1291.

It is also the job of the Membership Officer to Guard the inner door at membership meetings (when held in person) and admit no one but members in good standing or Officers and officials of CUPE, except on the order of the President and with consent of the members present.

The Membership Officer also sits on the Social Committee and arranges and conducts all social, cultural, and recreational activities of CUPE 1291s



What We Do and Who We Serve

Public Health Connects Us All

Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. This work is achieved by promoting healthy lifestyles, researching disease and injury prevention, and detecting, preventing and responding to infectious diseases.

Overall, public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire populations. These populations can be as small as a local neighborhood, or as big as an entire country or region of the world.

Public health professionals try to prevent problems from happening or recurring through implementing educational programs, recommending policies, administering services and conducting research...Public health also works to limit health disparities. A large part of public health is promoting healthcare equity, quality and accessibility.

CDC Foundation: What is Public Health?

Positions at LPH Covered Under CUPE 1291

  • Accounting Clerk
  • Dental Assistant
    • Certified
  • Enforcement Officer
  • Environmental Health Specialist
  • Environmentalist
  • Health Promoter
    • Health Promotion Assistant
  • Program Support
  • Public Health Inspector
    • Certified
    • Non-certified
    • Student
  • Public Health Nutritionist
  • Registered Dental Hygienist
  • Registered Dietician
  • Registered Practical Nurse
  • Resource Coordinator